Roger and Coogan first meet up. Are immediately asked by a passing gay couple whether we want to join them for dinner. We decline, sheepishly avoid eye-contact with each other and immediately start up another conversation.
Head to Washington Square. Neither Roger nor myself are familiar with the city, so we wander around.
In an attempt to recreate the Great Gatsby, we try to find a hotel restaurant. Success. Feeling good.

Work during the morning and afternoon.
Meet up with Rog at 4:30 and immediately steal a cab from an unsuspecting large man. He calls us gay, but at this point we merely shrug it off. Then high-five.
Went to the Hardly Strictly Bluegrass Festival to catch the end of Jeff Tweedy's set. "Heavy Metal Drummer" acoustic? Monumental.

On the way back from the concert, Roger finds an ingenious way of blatantly labelling us heterosexual: blasting Luda from the iPhone (Madonna when no one else is around).

Saw Darjeeling Limited, part 1. Momentarily lost ability to breathe. Saw late showing of Darjeeling Limited, Part 2. Promptly became incontinent.
Read great GQ article about Rumsfeld.
Then had my mind blown about fashion advertisements...they're all fake!
Mistake Roger's alarm for hotel fire alarm. Fall back asleep.
Wake up and go to Fisherman's Wharf. Many believe it's where sour dough was invented, NOT TRUE SAYS BAKER WITH WIRELESS HEADSET GIVING KNEADING LESSONS. San Francisco merely has strange bacteria in the air which gives the bread a distinct taste.
Alcatraz Web Cam...Creepy!
Now, for the most monumental mission: Find and document the Full House House. Mission: Accomplished.
[It is with great chagrin I admit, during fact-checking, the editors realized Roger and Coogan in fact did NOT find the right house. No one on staff has the heart to actually tell them. -ed]
Check it out!

(The editors said there was a hold-up with the actual house image, so that'll be added later.)
later added by staff, UPDATE:

Then off to the De Young museum, a stunning work of contemporary architecture by Herzog & de Meuron.

Back to Hardly Strictly to see Gillian Welch perform. Wait at wrong stage for almost the entirety of her performance. Frustrating.

Then back to Darjeeling Limited. Intoxicating.
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