Thursday, December 27, 2007

A Multilateral Call for Ideas, Support, Love

I recently started running Google Analytics on this blog to see who (what?) accesses these pages, what they were viewing and how people respond to different posts. The result has been incredible. Above is a map provided by Google showing the countries that have accessed You'll Be All the Rage in Paris. Countries accessing the page include:

Ξ United States and Canada

Ξ Continental Europe (Spain, France, Germany, Austria)

Ξ Serbia and Montenegro

Ξ Israel

Ξ India

Ξ Thailand

The praxis of global communications blows my mind.

I'd like to invite readers to post more comments, send e-mail and think about collaborating on projects hosted here on YBATRIP. Specifically, I'm beginning development on the first stage of The Manhattan Project, namely producing a text-only web browser to run JunkMonkey. If you have any experience with coding, especially with Cocoa or any other OS X platform, please consider sending an e-mail to the contact address listed on the side post.

Please let me know what draws you to the site, what you would like to see more of (video, commentary, bizarre images) so I can continue feeling entirely unknowing in the enormous possibilities of The Internet.


Emily said...

I'm here every day.

I want more pictures of Coogan.

I will comment more often, just as soon as I think of something cooler to say.


lots of support,

Coogan said...

aw shucks.

unfortunately, this isn't the best place for the display of my self-portraits, though at this point they do number in the thousands.

maybe once i get my hands on photoshop again i'll serve up some graphically-oriented materiale.